Dhaka air quality is so bad!!

Bangladesh is a beautiful country. But in some cities air quality is so bad. Dhaka city is ranked fourth in worldwide for its worst air quality with an AQI score of 190.( News Collect from Dhaka Tribune). it’s very bad news for us all.

Dhaka air was classified as unhealthy, according to the air quality index. Pakistan’s Lahore, India’s Delhi, and Kolkata occupied the first three spots on the list, with AQI scores of 225, 204, and 190 respectively.

First of all we need to know, What means AQI? AQI means Air Quality Index. Think of the AQI as a yardstick that runs from 0 to 500. The higher the AQI value, the greater the level of air pollution and the greater the health concern.

What do you mean AQI?

answer: The Air Quality Index (AQI) is used for reporting daily air quality. It tells you how clean or polluted your air is, and what associated health effects might be a concern for you. The AQI focuses on health effects you may experience within a few hours or days after breathing polluted air.

The AQI, an index for reporting daily air quality, informs people how clean or polluted the air of a certain city is and what associated health effects might be a concern for them.

The AQI in Bangladesh is based on five pollutants: particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5), NO2, CO, SO2, and ozone.

Dhaka has long been grappling with air pollution issues. Its air quality usually turns unhealthy in winter and improves during the monsoon.

As per World Health Organization (WHO), air pollution kills an estimated seven million people worldwide every year, mainly due to increased mortality from stroke, heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer, and acute respiratory infections.

How is AQI measured? Answer: The AQI is calculated by converting measured pollutant concentrations to a uniform index which is based on the health effects associated with a pollutant.

What is very unhealthy air quality? Answer: Very Unhealthy. AQI values between 201 and 300 trigger a health alert, meaning everyone may experience more serious health effects. Hazardous. AQI values over 300 trigger health warnings of emergency conditions.

How to improve air quality? Answer: There are several low-to-no-cost steps you can take to improve the indoor air quality in your home based on three best practice strategies of: controlling the sources of pollution; insuring there is adequate ventilation; and, using supplemental air cleaning and filtration.

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